Transport & Sustainability Committee

Agenda Item 11(a)


Subject:                    Petitions


Date of meeting:    6 July 2023


Report of:                 Executive Director for Governance, People & Resources


Contact Officer:      Name: John Peel

                                    Tel: 01273 291058



Ward(s) affected:   All



1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         To receive any petitions submitted directly to Democratic Services or any e-Petition submitted via the council’s website.


2.            Recommendations


2.1         That the committee responds to the petition either by noting it or where it is considered more appropriate, calls for an officer report on the matter.


3.            Context and background information


3.1         To receive the following petition signed by 23 people at the time of publication:


(1)      Madeira Terrace Lift Bus Replacement Service


We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to request that a bus service is provided to take the less mobile residents of the Kemptown area down to Madeira Drive given that the Madeira Terrace

Lift continues to be out of action until 2025 if not beyond. This could simply be a diversion of an existing bus service such as the 52. This concept of a small diversion in an area well supplied with buses is affordable and practicable. We ask to take part in discussions regarding this between members of the Committee and our bus service providers.

The 52 bus, for example, could pass along Upper Bedford St, College Place, St George’s Road and Eaton Place to collect beachbound residents – and to deliver them back.


(2)    Stanmer Street access trial


To receive the following petition signed by 10 people at the time of publication:


We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to temporarily

close Stanmer Street at the junction with Stanmer Villas (BN17HN). Access to the garages on Stanmer Street would still be available via Stanmer Park Road We firmly believe that this action would improve safety for both vehicles and pedestrians which is paramount for such a space designed for enjoyment of our community.


The full e-petition text can be found here


(3)    Safe road crossing – Hove Cemetery / Old Shoreham Rd


To receive the following petition signed by 496 people at the time of publication:


We would like Brighton and Hove City Council to install a safe crossing near Hove Cemetery across Old Shoreham Road.

We’re two mums living north of Hove Cemetery. On a daily basis we cross Old Shoreham Road by Hove Cemetery with our young children and find it an extremely dangerous and frightening task. If you are familiar with the road, you have to cross four lanes of traffic, that is often going over the 30mph speed limit. There is no safe island to cross halfway.

This safe crossing can be used by the multiple school children, families and bikes that use this route on a daily basis. The cut-through through Hove Cemetery is used by hundreds of people every day. Yet to cross safely you need to walk 500 meters in one direction to access a pedestrian crossing or 300 meters in the opposite direction. Therefore, hundreds of children take the risk of crossing this dangerous road every day.


(4)    Gardener Street


To receive the following petition signed by 32 people at the time of publication:


We are writing as a community of businesses based on Gardner Street in the centre of the North Laines. We would like to start a discussion with yourselves, our respected councillors, about the permanent traffic order that has been imposed along Gardner Street.

Currently the road is closed to traffic Monday to Sunday 11am to 5pm.

We would like to propose the road be pedestrianised during the times.

With the permanent traffic order lifted between these times or taken away all together, we could have use of the road, leaving room on pavements and the road for pedestrians.